Skulldog Ref Sheet

This is a commissioned piece for someone on twitter. I was commissioned to design a character for them, specifically a genderfluid shapeshifting skulldog wizard. I was given a fair amount of freedom, and the client gave good instructions and feedback despite it being the first commission they had ever gotten. It did take me a while to work my way through- longer than it should have- due to homework and moving. There are adult versions of this sheet out there. Be warned- if you go looking for them, you will see adult content. I claim no responsibility for you seeking that out, and will hear no complaints or derision about that. I was given a job for money, and I fulfilled it in my professional capacity. That's an absolute necessity when working with adult material!

If you are unfamiliar with the trope of "skulldog", it's essentially a character, generally anthropomorphic, characterized by having a skeletal face. General implications are that of reanimation- some kind of lich- or of a living skull or mask inhabiting a controllable mass that forms a body. These characters are typically designed with a dark color palette so that the white bone of the skull stands out more; and they typically also have glowing eyes. They don't necessarily have to be canine characters, but the moniker comes from them typically being as such.

Common examples of skulldog characters include: